Friday, December 08, 2006

Stimulating the Right Brain

A week back, I asked a colleague to explain something to me. As he started to explain, I felt sleepy and yawned several times.I hurried through the tutorial session and noddded my head for every thing spoken and quickly came out of his cabin. Later that night, I had to painfully go though the materials all by myself. I felt that 03:00 pm was wrong time to ask a doubt as my stomach was full after heavy lunch. The next day i scheduled a meeting with him at 5:00 p.m.. Again the same problem. This time I pulled all my energy to focus on what he was saying and just yawned 3-4 times. I understood 70% and the rest was absorbed by my subconscious mind as I was in sleepy state.
I thought, anytime after lunch is not very ideal time for meetings that require my attention. I felt that my attention span decreases as day progresses, so I decided to schedule such meetings in mornings.Next time, I scheduled a meeting at 8:30 am, and I felt very uncomfortable. Donno why? May be I did not have breakfast?
And day before yesterday, we had a meeting at 10:00am. Again, 10 mins after he started to explain, I yawned and could not pay attention. Does the 2 idlis that I had to break the night long fast make me feel drowsy?....

Someone told me that stimulating right brain, would help me to increase the attention span and Music is one way to do that.
Yesterday,I resorted to the musical advice ….I dusted the my harmonium and played it for a while, caring the least for my neighbours…..ah! In betweeen I was so excited by the swaras..i started to sing myself…..ahem…no no no... not to sing..just chanted some swaras ..
Sa Sa Re Re Ga Ga ……Da Pa Da Ne Sa…..

Hmmm…Shailu was first person to recognise me talents…..She came running to me and said..
"anna ..Evn I want to do this…"
Me : do this? what
Shailu :like what u do
Me :NO ..evn I donno to sing...
I hurriedly packed my harmonium ……just sent her home and got ready to office….now Mr.X changed large portions of my code and came down to my cubicle to explain the changes….Even before he began, I yawned......I told him "okay " for everything….May be …..I just could not handle his voice….or may be I don’t have aptitude to Listen….. And evening I went home….there were pool of children waiting for me ….and Shailu shouted "Bhagavadhar mama has come" ……and all the other kidoos came in and asked me to help them practice singing ..

These days….evry mornign I am woken up by these tiny tortures .. I play harmonium to match their yelling ……And now! My brain is certainly simulated…..both right 'n left......